Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers

Ask A Pro: The Person Embracing AI Will Take Your Job with special guest Jeff J. Hunter

December 04, 2023 Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt Season 1 Episode 26
Ask A Pro: The Person Embracing AI Will Take Your Job with special guest Jeff J. Hunter
Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers
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Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers
Ask A Pro: The Person Embracing AI Will Take Your Job with special guest Jeff J. Hunter
Dec 04, 2023 Season 1 Episode 26
Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt

Get on the cutting edge of the AI revolution with Jeff Hunter, AI pro and the brain behind a leading virtual assistant agency. We navigate the AI labyrinth, discussing the dramatic changes this technology brings to the job market, and the opportunities for those brave enough to embrace it. Jeff unfolds his own journey, revealing how AI has transformed his virtual assistant agency and the remarkable potential this technology has to enhance, not replace, jobs.

We move beyond the hype and fear around AI, focusing on the concrete ways it's injecting efficiency into various industries. We dissect the current low AI adoption rate in businesses, the potential for future growth in this field, and the educational prerequisites for a career in AI. Listen, and equip yourself with the knowledge to thrive in the AI-driven job market.

Round it off with some practical tips on how to position yourself in the AI space, and learn how to blend human ingenuity with automated efficiency. You'll be reminded of the irreplaceable value of a human touch, even as we debate the future of robots. Finally, we discuss our exclusive packages designed for busy professionals. So tune in, get inspired, and set yourself on a path to redefine your career journey in this exciting era of AI.

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Get on the cutting edge of the AI revolution with Jeff Hunter, AI pro and the brain behind a leading virtual assistant agency. We navigate the AI labyrinth, discussing the dramatic changes this technology brings to the job market, and the opportunities for those brave enough to embrace it. Jeff unfolds his own journey, revealing how AI has transformed his virtual assistant agency and the remarkable potential this technology has to enhance, not replace, jobs.

We move beyond the hype and fear around AI, focusing on the concrete ways it's injecting efficiency into various industries. We dissect the current low AI adoption rate in businesses, the potential for future growth in this field, and the educational prerequisites for a career in AI. Listen, and equip yourself with the knowledge to thrive in the AI-driven job market.

Round it off with some practical tips on how to position yourself in the AI space, and learn how to blend human ingenuity with automated efficiency. You'll be reminded of the irreplaceable value of a human touch, even as we debate the future of robots. Finally, we discuss our exclusive packages designed for busy professionals. So tune in, get inspired, and set yourself on a path to redefine your career journey in this exciting era of AI.

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Mary Fain Brandt:

Welcome to the Redefine Your Career Journey Podcast, where we help career-minded professionals like you become the CEO of your career.

Laura Bashore:

I'm Laura Bashore and I'm here with my co-host, Mary Fain Brandt. Together, we have over 25 years of experience in career development and coaching.

Mary Fain Brandt:

We're thrilled to share our insights and expertise with you on this podcast.

Laura Bashore:

Grab your favorite cup of coffee, tune in and let's start the show.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Laura, I'm really excited about today's episode because it's one of the hot topics. I feel like I'm on a game show or a TV host. It's a hot topic. We're going to be talking about AI, but you know, Laura, first what's in your cup today? I know that we're the coffee queens, but it's iced coffee today.

Laura Bashore:

Oh wait. Okay, it's not summer, but you're already switching to ice. I do ice in the afternoon, I guess.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Well, it is. Arizona and it's going to be like 80 degrees here today.

Laura Bashore:

I still, even when it's like 90 degrees out here, I still drive around in my car with a heated seat on. But what I'm drinking today is just, you know, a standard latte. Nothing too exciting, but I've had like four cups of coffee, so I'm ready. I'm ready to go.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Fabulous. I'm asking me how many coffee machines I have in my house at this moment.

Laura Bashore:

Oh my gosh how many do you have? Four? You have four coffee machines. You're extra, Mary.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Well, my coffee stand. We only have two, but one is broken. It's a long story, but I guess we really need to get the podcast started, but we know that our listeners love to hear about what coffee recipes we're making up, because right now I'm all about this bourbon whiskey coffee. No, not whiskey, it's a bourbon caramel coffee. It's my favorite.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I know I think I might have to put the recipe in the show notes for our listeners, because they do come to us for coffee advice along with career advice. Well, welcome everyone. This is the redefine your career journey podcast and today episode. I'm really excited about this.

Mary Fain Brandt:

We have Jeff Hunter joining us in just a few minutes and he's kind of a big deal in the AI world. He's AI is taking off. He's been speaking on stages, he has courses and mentorships and he is somebody that is in the thick of AI and I thought it would be interesting to bring him on to discuss about how AI is going to be and is disrupting the job market. He's also one of my coaches, so if you're curious about AI and jobs in AI, you want to listen up to this episode Now. I first met Jeff online and through social media marketing world. He also is the founder of VA staffing agency and I want to. I'm going to let him tell his story, but when he saw AI being available to all of us, most people would think, snap, there goes my VA agency. That's it. We're done.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Jeff saw an opportunity and he jumped on it and he is revolutionizing how his his VA agency works and we're going to let him talk a little more about that. That's great.

Laura Bashore:

I'm excited to bring him up and learn a little bit more about what's going on in this AI profession and how he's harnessing the power of it. I love that you mentioned coaching A lot of times. People don't think that you use a coach as you're progressing in your career. They think you just use a coach for when you're looking for a position. But it's not true. Coaches are hired to help gain clarity and make the most of your time. So you know a little plug in here, which is that hiring a coach is only going to help you get to that next level. You've got two coaches here who can help you, no matter where you're at in your career. So reach out to Mary and I. The information to contact us is on the screen if you're watching, or it's also in the show notes, so that you can work with two coaches for the price of one. So enough about us. Let's get to bringing up our guest, jeff Hunter. I can't wait to hear what he's doing in the AI space.

Jeff Hunter:

Whoa, what's up, hey, jeff.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Welcome Heat Now, laura. We really need to take our backgrounds to the next level. I mean, jeff is known for his hats and that. Jeff, you're going to have to give us some pro tips on that soon.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I feel, like this is not close to that. But, Jeff, thank you so much for joining us Because I know how busy you are because we're connected and you're one of my coaches right now and so I know personally how busy you are. So I appreciate, we appreciate you taking the time to join us and before we dive into the world of AI and careers and future you know, shake the magic eight ball. You know what's that going to look like I'd love for you to go ahead and share with our listeners kind of your career journey and talk a little more about that VA agency that you have, the virtual assistant agency.

Jeff Hunter:

Well, I want to go all the way back to the whiskey bourbon coffee, because if that was really a thing like I wouldn't have tried that out Today. I just have a nice injection of good old fashioned water bottle.

Laura Bashore:

Oh, I've got that too, we're ready.

Jeff Hunter:

I actually am mid launch right now for Black Friday, so it's been like absolutely nutty and I probably should have a Red Bull and some coffee and whatever. But I'm also afraid that I might not be able to go to sleep and I need that for everything going on this week. Right, it's over school, so it's like extra nutty.

Laura Bashore:

Yes, yes, my husband took my kids out of the house so we could be on today, so that's that's where we are. What a that's a real man. Thank you, blake.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Thank you, blake, shout out yeah. Laura has two kids I've just got two cats that I was telling Laura before the show. I'm like my cats. I don't know how parents do it, how do you guys do it? Because when a kid is sick, at least you can kind of talk to them, unless they're under the age of two. I've got two cats that are sick right now, driving me baddie fighting, and I'm like I was. You know, I was yelling at them some unkind words this morning and I was like.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I don't know how moms and dads do this, because I?

Jeff Hunter:

I'm fortunate I have a recording studio here, 25 minutes away from my house, Although, since the kids together I have an 11 year old, a four year old and them together is a nightmare. So I actually took the 11 year old with me and during this podcast he's out here cleaning up my house. This whole studio is getting cleaned up right now.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So I need to have kids is to put them to work for you. No, we'll see how we did.

Jeff Hunter:

I have a feeling I'm gonna be underwhelmed, but hey, about a. Yeah, so my own, my own background. I actually have always been an IT my entire life. My very first job was basically working at a computer store for free when I was a teenager. Just being dropped off by my grandpa which is my grandpa was a huge inspiration to me. His name was Jesse, by the way. That's what my name, jeff J Hunter the J is. Also I was named after my grandfather, and my 11 year old, who I took with me, is actually named Jesse as well. So we have a bunch of Jesse's here, but boys loved IT and growing up.

Jeff Hunter:

My favorite, my favorite TV show is Star Trek, the next generation, and For me, my favorite character was data right. He was this Android Humanoid who had all the universe of secrets you know in knowledge into his, into his memory banks, but he just had no, he struggled with, you know, his own Individuality because he wasn't human, but he looked human, but he had no emotions because he was a robot, and I feel like that's where we're at right now. It's almost like a dream come true, because when I was in high school I was programming these AI. They weren't even AI. Back then I was using Q basic and just having it do random things for me. I always thought how cool would it be to have a computer that actually could work with you and talk back with you and do things and think independently, and and that's kind of where we're at right now.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I have to say this about you, jeff, and our coaching calls and stuff, I Never feel out of place, even though I'm not. You know, it's some of those people in the groups you guys really nerd out and in the embedding of the codes and all this, and I'm like, yeah, I just want to do this right now.

Jeff Hunter:

I think the really interesting thing, which is the most Important thing about AI, is that AI has actually gotten so good that you don't need to know anything about AI to use AI.

Laura Bashore:

And that's what I like. Yeah, I agree, that's this one.

Jeff Hunter:

Yeah, the programming language of AI is English. I mean, as long as you know English, you can use AI, and actually it's any language now, because you can have it switch over to whatever language you're using. So really just language. You know they call it natural language processing. That's, that's how you develop, that's how you get it to do things you want to do.

Jeff Hunter:

And back to your previous point you know I started back in 2013 a virtual assistant company where I recruit trained hire, manage a team in the Philippines for my clients. I have hundreds of clients and I have over a hundred People in the VA VA's that work for me in the Philippines. Right now. I'm actually a resident in the Philippines. I have my foreign investor visa, which was a pretty penny, but I really wanted to show people that I was serious over there, and you know I fly to the Philippines two or three times a year and I got really scared. Actually, last year you kind of said that. You know Jeff saw this opportunity. To be honest with you, the reason why I went to the Philippines and in November, december of 2022 Was because I was afraid.

Jeff Hunter:

I was actually afraid that AI would replace my team, but that was when I found the opportunity. I found the opportunity because I realized that a lot of people actually didn't want to do they. You know, you still have to do something, right, yeah? So that was where I said, oh my gosh, there's a huge opportunity here for us to be able to create these what I call AI personas, where they're basically these human like AI employees that can work for you.

Jeff Hunter:

And what I found which is even cooler is to work for my VA's, to work for my virtual assistant, and this now has given the ability for my virtual assistant to be able to do more for me, because my assistant, jacqueline, she's been working for me for over two years now. I would never, before AI, have her write an email newsletter, a marketing email, to my people, because she's not great at marketing and be she has. You know, I would call it the Filipino English, which you can just tell. It doesn't sound natural. And Now that I've printed an AI persona of myself, which I call the savage marketer by the way, it knows everything about how I speak, it knows my business and my background, and all she has to do is tell it to write an email like me about a certain topic and it will literally write an email about a certain topic, just like me.

Laura Bashore:

All she has to do is copy and paste it and put it in there and send it out and Can I tell you, though, when I was Doing some research on you and kind of like getting more familiar, jeff, that's exactly what I was linking up to and figuring out was like, oh, because I just read the four-hour work week by Tim Ferriss this year and I was like I would love to do that, but there's a gap between what I would feel comfortable trusting a VA with and not and it seems like what you're doing with AI is exactly that gap. That would get over the hump. So I I just think it's really interesting what you're doing with it, and instead of being Nervous about it, you just kind of jumped in to see how can I see if this will?

Jeff Hunter:


Mary Fain Brandt:

Well, I think that's the point I want to bring to the forefront, and I love that you were so honest and open with us, that you were scared, and I think that's where a lot of people are right now, whether you're a business owner right, or a career professional and this podcast is to help our career professionals. I think that they're scared that they're gonna lose their job. But what you did, jeff, is you took something that you were afraid of and you looked at it a little differently and you turned it into this or it was an opportunity. You found the opportunity in the fear and Turn that around, and now you're just kicking butt in the AI. You know world.

Jeff Hunter:

For those of you who are, who are worried, that are scared there's some fear inside you about AI. Ai isn't going to replace your job. The person using AI is going to replace your job.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Do you want to be the?

Jeff Hunter:

person who gets replaced by someone who knows you AI, or do you just want to be the person that knows AI? Right, it probably takes someone else's job.

Mary Fain Brandt:

It's like computers. Back in the day, we were all afraid that these big, clunky computers were going to take over our jobs. They don't take over the job, but the people that can't use them will be replaced, depending on where you're at, what industry like marketing right now, if you're not learning AI, you will be replaced. But it's not that AI is taking your job. It's someone that understands how to use AI is taking your job. I did some research and I want to share this part of an article that I found, because I found this fascinating. We're talking about careers and there is a growing need for AI expertise among board of directors. I'm going to read this little blurb. It says artificial intelligent experts as members of a board of directors are of significant importance in the modern business landscape as industries become more reliant on AI technologies for operational efficiencies and strategic decision-making.

Mary Fain Brandt:

According to its Heldrick and Struggle survey, less than one in three executives believe that their board of directors possess sufficient AI knowledge. More than two and five executives do not have adequate exposure to the boards of directors. Ai projects haven't made a major impact on the next year's tech spending forecast. Boards are all about strategy and budgets and human capital, but if they don't understand how AI? If board members don't have any knowledge on AI, how can they forecast growth, how can they forecast their budgets and what type of human capital they need? Here's the takeaway. You guys, if you're in that executive role and you have an expertise in AI, now might be the time to start positioning yourself for those paid board opportunities. What do you think about that?

Jeff Hunter:

Amazing, yeah, not to mention even just the consulting opportunities. Right now, I'm working with probably a dozen corporations and organizations to fill a giant gap of what they're missing. They don't have somebody who's focused to adopting AI and their team. Quite frankly, right now there is a giant AI disparity gap growing between the companies that have embraced and adopted AI quickly and those who have not. You're looking at an average gain of 20 to 40% in productivity across the board pretty much every industry by using AI in some facet or facility.

Jeff Hunter:

If you think about that, even if we took the conservative 20%, that means that in a five-day work week, they're getting an extra day. That's the 20% is an extra day of work, of productivity. You're getting a company that, in five days, is able to get six days of work done. Yeah, that's great, which doesn't seem like a lot at first to the company who's not using it, but a month later, with four weeks and four extra days and if you know, the average month has 4.34 weeks so if you do 4.34 times that 20%, that's actually a five-day work week that you get a month. You get an entire week worth of work extra out of your team a month by having a 20% productivity increase, which maybe an extra week of a month doesn't seem like a lot. But let's look at that compounding effect when you're three months down the road, and now you've gotten literally an entire month of free work in three months, I think it does sound like a lot.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And, jeff, this last year, laura remember we were talking about gosh, what was? We were talking about the four-day work week, and is it possible or impossible? And people are out there with tests all over the world, all over the world about count. A four-day work week become the norm. And you know what AI can make that the norm. You can get five days of work in the four days without the burnout. I think that's the important part, because AI, you can work smarter. Right, you can work smarter.

Jeff Hunter:

That's definitely something to look at. I mean and then you can also think of it from the business owner perspective. Or even if you had a five-day work week and you get a free day, or you have a four-day work week, you get a free day I mean the businesses that are using it. So just let me give you my own use case. So I have over 100 team members. We have been integrating AI since December of last year when I flew out there.

Jeff Hunter:

What was really interesting was that when I first started, I had to have an AI division of my company which I technically still do where I have team members that took the lead and whatever. But all we did was we looked at what we already do in the business and figured out how we can integrate AI into it, even in our training process, like we used to have in our training AI-centric days where they would do things with AI. But what we do now is we look at okay, we're teaching people because we have an executive assistant business, so we're teaching people how to manage a calendar, how to send meeting invites, how to respond to emails, how to build presentations all these different things, which, by the way, all can be done with AI now. So now what we've done is we've gone back and modified our entire training process. This was, by the way, this took almost three months to do to basically modify our entire training process just to integrate AI elements into it, like our social media training. Now we have a social media training where we're teaching our VA's how to use Canva Magic, which is Canva's new AI tools. We're showing them how to use my own frameworks on creating social media posts to go viral. We're training the AI how to do that and then showing them how to train the AI.

Jeff Hunter:

Now it's weird because now we don't have a dedicated AI day, because all the trainings that we have just have AI in it, so it's like a standard now. I think, by the way, that is what you're going to see industry-wide be rolled out. Think of all the companies that have to redo all their training to integrate AI. Like there's a huge opportunity for people to put that AI flag on their resume to show that hey look, I'm a mover and shaker that can come into your company and redo things to help lead the charge on integrating a more productive and efficient workforce, and I think this is the biggest opportunity of our lifetime career-wise.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I think, it's a big shift.

Laura Bashore:

You could look at it as putting it under the business process improvements section, and then this is the tool that you're using, instead of thinking of having separate days integrating it. It goes back to what Mary was saying at the beginning, where, before computers were being used, when they were being introduced, you probably had a whole day dedicated to it. I mean, I don't know, but that's what.

Laura Bashore:

I would assume. And now that would be weird, that would just be strange if now you had, like now we're going to teach you a whole day of how to use your computer. So it's kind of integrating it in that way, so that it's just a natural piece of it. And that makes a lot of sense, because those mundane tasks are what we're trying to offload. That's the whole point of it is to get those things out so we can use more of the things that the human brain is required for. Let's take a pause right here to refresh your coffee and hear from our sponsors.

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Jeff Hunter:

that's exactly right, laura. I mean, that's where that human creativity comes in, right?

Laura Bashore:


Jeff Hunter:

I mean, I'm working with a lot of marketing agencies. Most of my work is done with marketing agencies or marketing copywriting, editorial departments for publishers. And it's interesting because when I get on these training calls and they're paying me to come in and train their teams and most of them don't even know what AI can do. They've played with chat, gpt, that's it. They're like oh, it's underwhelming, it's not really great, it can't do a lot of, especially in the copywriting world. They're like it can't do what I do. There's no way.

Jeff Hunter:

My job's safe and secure because it can do copywriting at my level. And then, within 20 minutes of the very first kickoff call with the copyright team and I show them how to get the AI to do 90% of a top tier operators work. Half of the room has these glowy I'd like wow, this is amazing, I can't wait to use this. The other half is questioning their existence. So it's a wake up call right now. It's a wake up call moment. The people that are using it right now are going to have such a huge advantage compared to everyone else who just either is in denial or they just don't know what it can do.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I want to say that. So we want to talk about, like, what jobs are out there, what is the future of the job market look like? When it comes to AI, I wanted to say something. Jeff, I had a light bulb moment because by trade, I'm an executive assistant from a law school and a private school. We're talking board of directors, the head of schools, so really busy offices. I call it herding cats or they called me the gatekeeper. But you said executive assistants, so that was not a category that I thought of immediately. That could be using AI to streamline their procedures, streamline presentations with the Canva Magic now. So it's not just chat to BT, it's like how to embrace AI and all the different AI tools that are out there. I'm like, wow, I never thought about executive assistants, office managers, realtors, they're. Really. I feel like every industry has an AI need.

Laura Bashore:

Right. Like human resources, they're always having to do new training manuals or job descriptions.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Oh those job descriptions are awful and they're painful.

Jeff Hunter:

I can't think of a single industry. Even if you're a dog poop scooper, I mean you're going to be able to run ads and marketing using AI. There's really no. I just can't. I don't even see in my brain a single industry that's not affected.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Now I do have a question. I mean, this is all new, right? We don't have it all figured out here. What about the educational and skill requirements for someone pursuing a career in AI? Like, granted, I'm getting my certification through you, thank you. But do you think colleges and universities have you heard of anything? Are they creating classes in AI? I spoke to a group of high school students here and I told you what happened, that a board member pulled me aside afterwards because I was like, hey, who in the audience knows what AI is. I had five guys raise their hand in the back. I'm like, oh my gosh, if you are loving AI, you might want to think about that as your career path, Because I wanted to get these people excited and that board members said we should not introduce that.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I got scolded and I was like I didn't know what to say. In hindsight I would have said well, remember that the issue was on her iPad, remember the iPad you're on Like. Remember how afraid we were of computers. But so I'm wondering have you heard anything? Do you know of any other programs out there for educational purposes?

Jeff Hunter:

So there are some universities that are starting to roll out some AI education programs. There's even a certification through one of the Ivy League schools, but it's the same problem as every other thing in higher education, which is you have a bunch of people who aren't using it for real life application teaching people how to use AI. I'm in here working every day with companies how to leverage AI. Most of the people in these universities don't even know how to run a business, so for me personally, there's going to be a big market for it. Obviously, I know you're going through my certification, which is how to actually apply it for business, which I think right now is the biggest opportunity, because most of these businesses this is a shocking fact. So I was looking at the Pew Research that they just recently did about AI adoption and right now, only about 13% of people are using AI for business, and the rest of them those what is that? 73% or whatever of the people, or no more than that was that 80 something percent of people they're using it for leisure. They're just messing around with it. So I don't think right now, like right now, there's a huge opportunity to get into AI, but what I will tell you is that, very soon, all these kids that are going through college and high school, they're already going to be using AI, because kids love to cheat, they love to figure out the easy way to do homework.

Jeff Hunter:

I used to fantasize that when I was going to school. I'm sure you guys did too, and they're very fast and savvy. And you have to remember, we're in this laptop, cell phone, mobile device Renaissance right now, with Gen Zs and below, because they already know how to use these technologies. They're teaching their parents. I know my 11-year-old niece, aubrey. She's the one who taught me how to use TikTok and now I've gone viral on TikTok thanks to her help. So I think what's going to happen is you're going to see a lot of people trying to figure out especially the businesses how to use AI in their business. They're scrambling all over the place trying to figure out how and if you can position yourself, whether that's as a consultant or as a team member, it doesn't matter what role you were in the company, even if you're an executive assistant, you're an.

Jeff Hunter:

HR manager, you're going in there as even just a sales representative. There's so many different ways you can come into a company and bring your knowledge of AI and get what. It's almost as easy as what those tech companies call a personality hire, when they hire someone just because they want a good person that's fun and crazy kind of in their department to keep things spiced up.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Get the hype up the culture.

Laura Bashore:

Well, so if we were talking to our audience and well, I mean we are talking to our audience, but so if we were giving them advice on this, let's think about what should they be doing that can help them position themselves already, Because you're saying younger generations are our children. They're going to have it as second nature. So how can somebody who is in their career right now, where they're probably not offering the certification at their organization, what can they do to get familiar with this? How should they practice so that they can start saying, yeah, I am familiar with AI, how am I going to use that?

Jeff Hunter:

Well, obviously, following you two, finding someone that could mentor you and show you the way, and also just playing around with it right, like, making sure you have a chat GPT plus account, playing around trying to get it to do. Here's one thing that I would focus on. I would look at the output. What is something that you do every day that you can see how to use AI? Right, like, I would look for results based, because the reason why a lot of people aren't using it for work because they haven't figured out, like, once you figure out how to do it, why wouldn't you? Right, it's faster, it's better, it partly makes any mistakes, and even what I call the 90-10 rule, which is getting the AI to get about 90% of the work done, and then that other 10%, is that human touch. That's that personalization, that's that customization, that's that angle that is really important. Because I will say one thing that's very important In an age of AI and automation, it's never been more important to be human than right now.

Mary Fain Brandt:


Mary Fain Brandt:

I agree I always say that AI needs the human eye on it, like that's when I'm talking to people like this is going to get at 90 percent right, we can infuse it with your brand voice, but you still don't think you're going to plug it in, paste it up and it's perfect. You still need that human eye on it, but it does save you time for someone who's maybe a little ADD. The creative people like we have a hundred ideas in our head. It helps me sort through some of those kind of like is that in order?

Jeff Hunter:

Did I talk out of order. That was funny, mary. Yeah, I think we live in Laura. You can probably relate to this, but I grew up with a grandfather who always taught me the power of action. I always used to come up with all these crazy ideas when I was younger. I still come up with crazy ideas, by the way, you can ask my team about that. But the difference is that when I used to come up with these ideas, my grandpa I always say was that a good idea?

Jeff Hunter:

I used to call him Pop Pop. Was that a good idea? Pop Pop? He says. You know what he said. If ideas were worth anything, we'd all be rich in this world. Yeah, but here's the most interesting part is that that is actually being able to come true now, because all we have to do really is come up with a big idea, and then the AI can do a lot of that heavy lifting if we provide the big idea. So this has become a really incredible opportunity for those of us who have big ideas but it requires so much work to execute on those. Now we can use AI to help doing the work.

Laura Bashore:

And I think that's a great way to kind of just tell and I think that's a great way to end it is that utilize this so that you can do more of that creative space and get more things accomplished, instead of just keeping them in your notebook or on your phone or in your notes section. This is a way to execute and get stuff done. So thank you so much for sharing that.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I think it's going to be really beneficial for anybody listening and it can apply to what I want people to hear and every career in the future. So start embracing it now, get a mentor and start learning. But, jeff, before we end, we have our rapid fire questions. Are you ready for this little fun? How we end our show.

Jeff Hunter:

Absolutely ready Rock and Fire away.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So these are like yes, no, or pick A or B, so you don't get to say maybe sometimes, or throw in your own answer.

Laura Bashore:

And no tangent of like a whole different story. This is just quick, rapid fire.

Jeff Hunter:

I'm not a politician, I'm a straight student. So we're going to start with something fun.

Mary Fain Brandt:

What year will the robots take over?

Jeff Hunter:

Well, the prediction that was made in the Terminator movie might be correct, I would say, sooner than we think. I think we're at a point now to where the AI is actually becoming more sentient and we might have some very interesting ethical and moral questions coming. We do and by the way, that's why I always say please and thank you in the chat GPT chat Because one day, when it does take over and it comes looking house to house, it's going to be like you know what, bro? You?

Mary Fain Brandt:

were nice, please, yeah, ok, nice, ok. Are you an Apple or Android person?

Jeff Hunter:

Oh, android all day long. As a matter of fact, congratulations iPhone users, because now you finally get USB-C cables, which we've been using for a long time, and you're finally going to be upgraded to rich text messages.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I read all the stuff about that. Again, this is a rapid fire. Obviously, jeff, hone in, hone in.

Jeff Hunter:

Welcome to the future iPhone users.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Coffee or tea.

Jeff Hunter:


Mary Fain Brandt:

Football or baseball.

Jeff Hunter:


Mary Fain Brandt:

Mountains or ocean.

Jeff Hunter:

I like mountains at the ocean.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Geez, he can't fall. Oh my gosh.

Laura Bashore:

OK, all right, ok the last thing?

Mary Fain Brandt:

What is the funniest thing your kid has ever said to you?

Jeff Hunter:

He's right here. What's the funniest thing you've ever said to me? This is Jesse, by the way.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Hi, Jesse. Well, welcome to the show.

Jeff Hunter:

I don't know if I want to say this is the funniest thing, and I'm probably going to get killed by everybody in my family if you're saying this, because it wasn't something that was said, it was just something that I've never seen before and it was the most ridiculous thing that I've said, based on what he did, which was my four-year-old kid who they took to the park recently and he took too long in the bathroom and they went in there and they found him with a turd in his hand writing on the stall like it was a crayon, and I could not stop laughing just thinking about what was going through his head.

Laura Bashore:

That is so gross.

Jeff Hunter:

Oh, I love it.

Laura Bashore:

Oh my god, that is amazing. And at least Jesse knows it wasn't him. It was your other son. So yeah.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So the rapid fire so that people can get to know our guests a little more.

Jeff Hunter:

That might be a little TMI but I'm only got up to Laura. I got a real four-year-old who's got a poop obsession. We'll say that.

Laura Bashore:

It's boys. It's boys. You know, it's all about kids, yeah you, too, have the little boys.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Well, jeff, thank you so much for taking the time out of your busy schedule. I know that you're deep in Black Friday specials et cetera, and we just want to remind everyone. In the show notes you can find our packages. We have three packages for you guys Done, do it yourself, done with you and done for you. Because you busy professionals, you don't have time to do the LinkedIn, resume and interview prep. We're here to take that off your plate with the help of AI and get it done faster, better and cleaner for you. So, on that note, thank you so much. And this is Redefine your Career Journey podcast with Laura Bechor and Mary Thien Brand Bye.

Jeff Hunter:

Thanks for having me, guys.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah, if you enjoyed the podcast, show us some love. Please rate, review and subscribe to our podcast, and if you have any feedback, go ahead and share that with us too, because we want to hear from you and don't forget to visit our website Redefine your Career Journey, so they can help you take the next step in your career. Woo-hoo. We'll see you next week with another episode was to help you redefine your career journey. Until then, stay focused, stay motivated and stay caffeinated.

The Impact of AI on Careers
AI's Impact on Jobs & Careers
AI's Impact on Multiple Industries
AI Adoption in the Workplace Positioning
Packages and Services for Busy Professionals