Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers

Celebrating Growth and Looking Forward: 2023 Recap of 'Redefine Your Career Journey'

January 07, 2024 Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt
Celebrating Growth and Looking Forward: 2023 Recap of 'Redefine Your Career Journey'
Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers
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Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers
Celebrating Growth and Looking Forward: 2023 Recap of 'Redefine Your Career Journey'
Jan 07, 2024
Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt

As we look back on the incredible journey of the 'Redefine Your Career Journey' podcast, we're bursting with pride and excitement. The past year has been a roller coaster of growth, learning, and connection, with episodes that have resonated with so many of you, reaching listeners in 24 countries!

Whether you're contemplating a career shift or just seeking inspiration, our year-end recap is a treasure trove of wisdom, complete with our most popular episodes that tackle everything from nailing tricky interview questions to knowing when it's time to leave your job. Our special guests, including seasoned recruiters, have opened up a world of insider knowledge, giving you the tools to navigate your career path with confidence.

Looking ahead, we're bubbling with anticipation for what's in store for 2024. We're upping the ante with more enriching content that promises to challenge and inspire you, starting with a bang – our first-ever live episode on February 5th! 

Brace yourselves for an interactive podcast experience that brings you even closer to the action. We've laid the groundwork this past year, and now it's time to build on that foundation, continuing to explore the ever-evolving career landscape while empowering you to step into your professional greatness. 

So, grab your headphones and get ready for another round of candid conversations and transformative insights, right here on the 'Redefine Your Career Journey' podcast.

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Show Notes Transcript

As we look back on the incredible journey of the 'Redefine Your Career Journey' podcast, we're bursting with pride and excitement. The past year has been a roller coaster of growth, learning, and connection, with episodes that have resonated with so many of you, reaching listeners in 24 countries!

Whether you're contemplating a career shift or just seeking inspiration, our year-end recap is a treasure trove of wisdom, complete with our most popular episodes that tackle everything from nailing tricky interview questions to knowing when it's time to leave your job. Our special guests, including seasoned recruiters, have opened up a world of insider knowledge, giving you the tools to navigate your career path with confidence.

Looking ahead, we're bubbling with anticipation for what's in store for 2024. We're upping the ante with more enriching content that promises to challenge and inspire you, starting with a bang – our first-ever live episode on February 5th! 

Brace yourselves for an interactive podcast experience that brings you even closer to the action. We've laid the groundwork this past year, and now it's time to build on that foundation, continuing to explore the ever-evolving career landscape while empowering you to step into your professional greatness. 

So, grab your headphones and get ready for another round of candid conversations and transformative insights, right here on the 'Redefine Your Career Journey' podcast.

Text us your Thoughts

Thank you for listening to Scale Up Strategies: The Business Growth Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers.

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Speaker 1:

Hey Laura, I'm so excited to be here today because we have some big news for our listeners and I'm just going to say a little pat on the back for us because 2023 was a big year for us. We launched the redefine your career journey podcast. High five girl.

Speaker 2:

We did yes, okay, no, balloons are popping up. That's good. Sometimes on Mary's screen, balloons pop up All kinds of things. Only in Zoom Only in Zoom.

Speaker 1:

Okay, so we're using StreamYard and a shout out to StreamYard because they're one of the sponsors of our podcast. So we do all of our recording using StreamYard because it's so easy to use and you can do all this amazing branding. So shout out to StreamYard for being a sponsor of redefined your career journey podcast. I'm super excited because we talked about launching this podcast for like five months and then we were so scared, like it has to be perfect. It has to be perfect, right.

Speaker 2:


Speaker 1:

And then we just hit it and I think we're six months in, over six months, yeah, and just like with everything, we got to rip the band aid off.

Speaker 2:

So one of the things that I love is Bus Brought Meet Us a Recap, so I think we should share it with our audience and talk about where we're going in 2024.

Speaker 1:

Yes, we should. Let's share our podcast recap of 2023. Okay, how do I do that? I think you have to send it to me. See, I don't think that you can share it. So that's at 140. We're going to have to go back in. I don't know how do you.

Speaker 2:

Because I don't see anything down here that says share screen. Oh present, wait present, oh okay. I was like wait, okay, I got it, okay, I'm back Okay. So, without further ado, let's share some of our stats.

Speaker 1:

Let's see here I was so excited when I got this email I thought we should share the Sweeper Card differently. This is this is pretty cool a that buzz sprout when this is where we host our podcast. It's been a great platform for us and it's pretty amazing all the whistles and bells and whistles that we get with Buzzsprout and that they did this year in review for us. I really like that.

Speaker 2:

Okay, oh, let's see it. So this is our 2023 Define your career journey recap. All right, so we did 28 episodes. Now here it has a slave little spy weekly, but, as you mentioned, mary, that's because we started in June, that's why I was like no, we've done more than that.

Speaker 1:

No, so I said San Diego is our most popular city, being that you live there, I'm from there, still have a huge network there. I can't read all, it's so tiny, oh surprise.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, surprise, arizona and Phoenix, so we're bringing in. And then look at Escondido. Okay, apparently Escondido is not counting, but 41 there. And then Georgia, just random Georgia.

Speaker 1:

Well, beth is in Georgia because I I posted about then he's like I'm down in Georgia, so maybe he's spreading the word down there. Now this I was pleasantly surprised that we are in 24 countries.

Speaker 2:

Yeah, who knew, who knew? And here are the top one. So obviously the US, but Germany, united Kingdom, chile and Sweden. And Then here's our top episodes. If you are new or thinking of something that you can binge before you get too far into the new year, here's the top episodes. We've got how to answer tricky interview questions. Ask a recruiter, where we had on two of our special panelists, and then Five signs it's time to leave your job. Number four was unlocking career happiness, redefining your path to success and, no surprise, here is master salary negotiation. So that's our recap. We have 983 downloads. By the time you're listening to this or watching this, we will be over a thousand. And that's it for the year. That's where we are so exciting things that we started and I'm looking forward to what we have coming in 2024, including adding in a live episode February 5th.

Speaker 1:

February 5th we're gonna go live, we're gonna host our podcast live and we'd love for you all to join us to ask questions, comments. So we'll be putting that out sometime in the next few weeks of. You know what that's.

Speaker 2:

I think I'm sorry. So you know how to get to us right, yeah?

Speaker 1:

we'll create an event on LinkedIn one way, so that you can just go to that. So it'll be really exciting and we just want to say thank you for everyone who supported us as we launched this podcast and we're so close to that thousand. I know by the time you guys watch this, that will be at that thousand. But hey, go ahead and download, subscribe, follow us and help us reach more career Professionals and help them learn how to become the CEO of their career. Okay, okay, short and sweet.