Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers

Transform Your Career with Strategic Mindset Shifts: Ask A Pro with Special Guest Jenny Harkleroad

March 18, 2024 Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt
Transform Your Career with Strategic Mindset Shifts: Ask A Pro with Special Guest Jenny Harkleroad
Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers
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Scale Up Strategies: The Business Podcast for Coaches, Consultants, and Speakers
Transform Your Career with Strategic Mindset Shifts: Ask A Pro with Special Guest Jenny Harkleroad
Mar 18, 2024
Laura Bashore and Mary Fain Brandt

Discover the transformative power of mindset mastery with special guest Jenny Harkleroad. We'll explore the essential nature of adaptability and periodic goal reassessment, ensuring that you're not just meeting targets but smashing them with strategic flexibility. Our special guest, Jenny shares her inspiring tale of personal challenges that reshaped her life, underlining the extraordinary impact that mindset shifts can have on professional triumphs.

Together we dissect the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious facets of the mind, and their collective role in curating a life of harmony and success. The subconscious mind, often the invisible hand guiding our daily actions, is ripe for reprogramming—and we'll show you how. 

We'll also cover a powerful three-step process for rewiring your brain to enhance relationships and career outcomes, all while sharing personal anecdotes that demonstrate the profound changes possible with dedicated effort. 

By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and practical tools to begin rewriting your internal narrative and stepping into the role of the CEO of your own career.

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Show Notes Transcript Chapter Markers

Discover the transformative power of mindset mastery with special guest Jenny Harkleroad. We'll explore the essential nature of adaptability and periodic goal reassessment, ensuring that you're not just meeting targets but smashing them with strategic flexibility. Our special guest, Jenny shares her inspiring tale of personal challenges that reshaped her life, underlining the extraordinary impact that mindset shifts can have on professional triumphs.

Together we dissect the conscious, subconscious, and superconscious facets of the mind, and their collective role in curating a life of harmony and success. The subconscious mind, often the invisible hand guiding our daily actions, is ripe for reprogramming—and we'll show you how. 

We'll also cover a powerful three-step process for rewiring your brain to enhance relationships and career outcomes, all while sharing personal anecdotes that demonstrate the profound changes possible with dedicated effort. 

By the end of this episode, you'll be equipped with the knowledge and practical tools to begin rewriting your internal narrative and stepping into the role of the CEO of your own career.

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Are you an entrepreneur or a small business owner? How are you attracting business? Join San Diego's Elite team referral networking group. Don't hire a sales team. Join one Call today 619-731- 0395 or visit team referral networkcom to give your business the boost that it needs. Team together, everyone achieves more. 

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Mary Fain Brandt:

Welcome to the Redefine Your Career Journey Podcast, where career-minded help professionals like you become the CEO of your career.

Laura Bashore:

I'm Laura Bashore and I'm here with my co-host, Mary Fain Brandt. Together, we have over 25 years of experience in career development and coaching.

Mary Fain Brandt:

We're thrilled to share our insights and expertise with you on this podcast.

Laura Bashore:

So grab your favorite cup of coffee, tune in and let's start the show.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Laura, I am really excited about this episode today because, you know me well, I love goal setting and I'm a big proponent of understanding the mindset and how powerful it is. And we just got back from PodFest and we changed our goals. We have some new goals and I kind of want to start with that, but it's okay to change your goals or shift them mid strategy. I believe I don't know about you, laura, but I am a big proponent of every quarter reviewing what your goals were. What did you hit, what didn't you hit? Why didn't you make those goals? And then setting down and doing the next three months of goals. How about you?

Laura Bashore:

Yeah, I always revamp. I mean, you know, like we talked about last year, the book of the 12 week year has been really influential on me, and I think one of the things with that is making sure that we're open to change and knowing that that's okay, that things are going to be different, so I'm happy to change them as they go. I think that's what most successful people do, is you don't get fixated or have to stay on a certain spot or an area and just like living here in San Diego and it's raining uncontrollably, and so I had to shift that mindset because that's not what I'm used to.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I saw pictures. My friend, shelly Mitch in San Diego, who you've met, sent me videos of Bloomingdale's and a boat going down the San Diego River. Right there they launched from the parking lot. So, yeah, you have to shift and it really does start with the mindset and there's different types of mindsets and I think that's what we're going to get into a deep discussion with our guests in just a few moments.

Mary Fain Brandt:

People think mindset and I think that they usually think, oh, positive or negative, and that's not the only type of mindset, and so I'm really interested to hear what Jenny has to say, because I was doing some research on this. And one type of mindset is the growth mindset that embraces challenges, which you and I do. We persist through the obstacles, we learn from criticism sometimes I do but we're inspired from the success of others. So that is one type of mindset I studied organizational leadership at Chapman and I read a few books by Carol Dweck on growth mindset and empowers people to believe they can develop their abilities. So the brains and talents are just the starting point and I really love that. Everything that I did on the organizational leadership is still I'm still using it today in my life in that degree and change and mindset and challenges. So this is going to be such a robust discussion. So, laura, do you want to introduce our esteemed guests today?

Laura Bashore:

Yeah, and real quick, before we bring Jenny up, I did want to mention one more change that I did today. So a lot of times when it's hot outside, you'll talk to me about hot drinking cold coffee. But I realized I don't care if it's hot or cold outside, I just care about what I'm interested in or what I feel. So just I had to share this with you, mary, that I'm drinking a cold one today and it's like 48 degrees.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So you love your cold coffee and I'm. I'm like wintertime, it's hot coffee Spring and summer it's cold brew every day, all day, so I'm like I have to change with a forecast.

Laura Bashore:

Yeah, I just do whatever I want. So, in the spirit of that, I am so excited for us to bring up Jenny Harkleroad to have her talk to us about mindset. She's the perfect, perfect person to come on and talk with us about that and she's just wonderful as well. So let's get her up here. She is the founder and CEO of Balancedyou. She's a speaker, creator of LEAP Transformation and creator of the Summit Transformation, executive managing director for E Women Network, which is a wonderful organization in San Diego, and she's also a number one bestselling author. So Jenny and I met through networking. Go Figure right. Surprise, surprise. We're both members of the North San Diego business chamber and since then we've been to one another's networking organizations and just growing our relationship together. So excited to have you here sharing your valuable insights with our audience today, Jenny.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Awesome. Thank you for that intro, Laura. It's super great to be here. I'm really excited to share my passion with you both and all those who are listening today.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah, and Jenny and I we got the opportunity to meet it was about a year ago, I think it was in April in Phoenix, Arizona, at the Eve Women Luncheon. I mean it was a brief introduction but I was like I know this name, I know who Jenny is because I got to meet her, too, in person. So it's fabulous that both Laura and I have met you in person and know you. Laura obviously works along with you more than I do and gets to see you more. So, Jenny, thank you for your time today. Do you want to tell our audience a little bit about your journey and how you got into being this mindset coach?

Jenny Harkleroad:

Absolutely. Thanks, mary. Yeah, so it all started on the fateful day of August 10th of 2013. I was standing on a mountain ledge with my husband we had been camping and hiking with some family and friends and he totally innocently said if I was young and in shape, I'd jump off of here. And I thought I was young and in shape and I decided to jump and it went pretty well while I was in the air. But when I landed, I heard a crunch in my back and I knew something was really bad, something was really wrong, and I couldn't move and my husband climbed down and tried to get me up and he couldn't. And our friends came and they tried to get me up and I was just. I was in so much pain and scared, and so they ended up calling 911 and 911 sent in a ground crew and they hiked in to get to me. It took them about 45 minutes. By the time they got there, vultures were circling me. This is a true story Vultures.

Mary Fain Brandt:


Jenny Harkleroad:

Because of the sounds I was making, I felt like I was dying and they believed me. Yeah.

Mary Fain Brandt:

How far did you jump? I'm curious, was this like a little baby jump, or were you jumping off of a cliff? You?

Jenny Harkleroad:

know what. It wasn't really that far. It was like 10 feet. Well, that's far, but when you jump up and then fall 10 feet and then land on a rock, there was just no give. So the give was my back. So the ground crew tried to get me up, and they couldn't get me up and so they ended up calling life flight, and so they strapped me to a board, ziplined me up to a hovering helicopter on the side of a mountain and pumped me with morphing. Thank goodness for that stuff. I don't remember much more of the flight, but I do remember waking up in the hospital where they told me you broke your back.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah, that's why you couldn't move.

Jenny Harkleroad:

That's why I couldn't move. And so I had some thinking time, a lot of thinking time, and at the time I had a big real estate company, I had four little kids, I was leading my church women's organization, I was involved in fundraising in the community. I was all over the place and it was like you can't move, you're stuck in bed, you're not going anywhere and you have some thinking time. And so what I thought was first I cried a lot and then I thought I want to get better. Obviously, I want to get better.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Thankfully I hadn't like paralyzed myself. It was a broken bone. Broken bones heal. They said I would get better. But what I also wanted was I wanted my life to be better.

Jenny Harkleroad:

And the problem was everybody thought my life was a dream because they could see it from the outside, where they saw that I married in high school, we had a high school sweetheart, we had four beautiful kids, we were successful, we had about five homes, cars, travel, all these things. And they thought, gosh, I want to be like them. But the truth was I wasn't happy with myself, I wasn't happy with my career, I wasn't happy in my marriage and I didn't know how to fix any of it. And so I tried, I tried to be positive, I tried to say positive affirmations. I put on a happy face, fake it till you make it. I went to therapy, I read books, did all the things, but I still felt the same way. And so, being stuck in bed, wow, how am I going to heal myself and transform my life? Because I just can't keep going on faking that everything's good. So that's when my journey really began.

Jenny Harkleroad:

And you know, I believe I didn't heal for a reason, and what happened was the pain kept getting worse. A year after I broke my back, I started taking pain pills. Two years after I broke my back, I had major surgery where they put in rods and screws and a synthetic disc. Three years after I broke my back, they said there's nothing more we can do for you. We're sorry, you can't function. We're sorry, you're in so much pain. Sorry. And so I had to find a way, because sorry was not going to cut it. There had to be a solution.

Laura Bashore:

Yeah, because, even though you were feeling that the things going on in your life were fulfilling, you're somebody who takes action, whether or not you know what the right one was. So what did you end up doing?

Jenny Harkleroad:

Right. So I asked everybody what do you know? How do you feel back pain, because that was my number one, right, if I could get better, then I could work on fixing my life. But here's the real secret If I would have gotten better, I would have just gone back to my same life, because I didn't know how to change my life right. So I was referred to a medical doctor, a regular MD, who told me you know, jenny, you can heal yourself with your mind.

Mary Fain Brandt:

What? Okay, where's the story going? Because now I'm literally leaning into the camera light. Okay, you've got me on pins and needles here, jenny, right.

Jenny Harkleroad:

So I told him well, I don't really believe that, but I'm desperate so I'll try it. Do your woo, woo, woo, do whatever it is on me, we'll see what happens right. Once, it didn't help. I saw him twice it didn't help. I saw him three times. It didn't help. Four times, five times, six times. The day after my sixth session, I was standing at my desk working because I could stand. I couldn't sit, and all of a sudden the pain turned off like a light switch.

Laura Bashore:


Jenny Harkleroad:


Mary Fain Brandt:

I need that light switch.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Yeah, it was gone and I yelled for my family. They came running like what's wrong, what's wrong. I'm like it's gone. They're like what? The pain is gone. I was like afraid to move right. Is the switch going to turn back on?

Laura Bashore:

Yeah, yeah.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Never came back, it was gone.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So you healed yourself by changing your mindset. Is that what you're telling us?

Jenny Harkleroad:

What we worked on was my mindset, and what was really going on with me was I had a lot of tension in my body from stress in my life, from my entire life, and when something would happen that I didn't like, I'd sweep it under the rug and go make money, because that's what I was good at, and I had so much swept under that rug that it was causing all this tension, and it just happened to go to this weaker spot in my body, which was my back. And so what he did was he helped me train my brain to release the tension, and as soon as my body just released, it's like, if you're lifting a weight and you don't stop, it burns, it, burns, it, burns, it, burns, it, burns, it, burns. We'll stop it. Whoa, okay, now it feels better. That's what was going on back.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Wow, that is an intense story and I just want to say thank you for sharing your personal story with us and being just so open and honest about what you went through and what got me, as you said, I didn't heal. And I didn't heal two years, three years, four years. And there was a reason for that because if that pain had gone away, what you said was you would have gone right back to the same life, same problem, same hamster on the wheel right.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Right, same sweep and everything under the rug. Wow, which I actually struggled with, chronic pain my entire life. My back was just one more thing, and that's why Because I didn't know how to deal with life in a healthier way. I thought I've got emotional stuff, I've got physical stuff. How unlucky am I. But I didn't realize, as they were completely connected.

Jenny Harkleroad:

And now that I know that, for example, sadly, it's my mother-in-law's funeral tomorrow, oh, so today I'm packing to leave for her funeral I wake up my neck is stiff. Why Not? Because I slept wrong, because my mother-in-law passed away, and it's easier for my body to get stiff than to think about the pain of losing my mother-in-law Right, so many times in life we really train that when something's wrong with our body, something's wrong with our body. But most often it's just something going on in the mind. And if we can make the connection I can go okay, I know what's going on and kind of think through it, work through it, and my neck is better. You know, instead of oh, now I need to go see a doctor, I can't believe. Now, the same day, something's wrong with my neck too.

Laura Bashore:

Right, what a coincidence. Yeah, I understand that. I believe that too. Yeah, well, jenny, can you share?

Mary Fain Brandt:

with us. I think our audience would be interested. First, can you explain maybe some of the different types of mindset, because I was kind of joking at the beginning saying positive, negative, those are the immediate things that we think of. You know, growth mindset, someone who always wants to learn, is up for the obstacles, but do you have a few different, I guess, types of mindset that you could share with our audience? Yeah, so what I would like to do is I would like to share with you.

Jenny Harkleroad:

What I would like to explain is the different types of your mind. So you have a conscious mind, a subconscious mind and a super conscious mind, and they're like the legs of a stool and so when they're working together, the stool is balanced and you can sit on it and life is pretty good. But when one of those is out of whack, it's like how come I keep falling out of my chair? Things aren't working out for me? It's because those minds aren't working together. So your conscious mind is your goal-setting mind. Here's what I want to accomplish. Your subconscious mind is your programmed mind. It was programmed from when you were young, literally in your mother's womb, until about eight years old. Plus the traumas and dramas in your life also program that mind. So how you think and feel and act and react about 95% of your day Did you hear that 99% of your day is based on your subconscious program. It's just crazy.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So I'm sitting here and I'm thinking about things, but you're telling me that only 5% of my day is really from me thinking about it and taking action. 95% is like deep in the subconscious.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Absolutely. It's pre-programmed. It's why you drive home and then you get to your drive when you're like how did I get here? I wasn't even paying attention, which way did I drive? Right, I was thinking about something else. I was talking on the phone, I was daydreaming, I was listening to a book. Absolutely, so much of it is just crazy Automatic, and it's so life is easier. If we had to think how to walk every time we walked, we couldn't do all the things.

Mary Fain Brandt:

We'd be tired, yeah, we'd be tired. Yeah, we wouldn't get to our goals. If we had to think about how to talk, how to comb our hair, how to brush our teeth how to eat, how to pick up our phones and call people. We wouldn't get anything else done. You're right, Exactly.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Exactly. But that programming we don't see it because we're so used to it. Right, you think of it. I love this example Eyes blinking. It's a subconscious program, it just happens, but you can control it. Don't blink. But for how long can you not blink? Well, for me, until I'm trying to think of the next thing to say, because I'm not thinking. Keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open, keep your eyes open. I'm thinking what am I going to say next? And then the subconscious kicks back in and blinks my eyes. And the same thing happens in our life. We're trying to lose weight, try and try and try and blink. We mess up. Why? Because we're consciously trying.

Jenny Harkleroad:

We don't have all three minds working on our goal conscious, subconscious and I didn't explain super conscious. That's like our soul, our spirit, our calling our purpose, right. So for me, I was chasing a career in real estate. It wasn't my purpose, it just made a lot of money. I kind of fell into it and then it was kind of hard to get out of it because it was making so much money and I didn't like it and I wanted to get out of it. But I never told anybody that. I would just daydream about what if you could do something you loved and you were passionate about? And my drill sergeant inside of me is like shut up, look, get to work. Like, look at your check, look at your life. I mean, stop complaining, right. And so, if you can get all those three minds together, that's the mindset that you want your mind's working together so you don't feel this tug of war. And tug of war creates disease, it creates autoimmune issues, it creates sickness, creates stress, anxiety, depression, right.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So I wanna get old, all things we don't want in our life, all things that are prevalent and are on a rise yeah, a rise in our society. We've done an episode on mental health. As a career professional, you know keeping your mental health in check. That is fascinating. So we have the stool analysis of our conscious, subconscious and Super conscious. Super conscious, which also is familiar. I'm pretty sure I studied this years ago in my OL because I'm like, wait a minute, I remember the stool.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Like when you said stool.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I was like wait a minute. I read a book on the stool.

Jenny Harkleroad:


Mary Fain Brandt:

Very interesting.

Jenny Harkleroad:

You can think of it body, mind and spirit too, right?

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah, I remember the stool, Like from my OL. Yeah, that brought back memories, jenny, thank you. I have a question that I think a lot of our audience might be thinking, consciously or subconsciously. Can one change their mindset from fixed to growth, Like a lot of people just say, that's the way I am, this is how I've always been, I can't do anything about it. I'm smart, I'm not smart, I'm technical, I'm not tech like this is who I am. I cannot change who I am. This is my DNA. So a lot of people right. Can they change their mindset?

Jenny Harkleroad:

That is a great question and the answer is unequivocal yes, and if they use the subconscious mind to change their program, they can be anything they want. The problem is we try to change it with our conscious mind. That doesn't control us 95% of the time. For example, you get married, it's blissful, then you end up in divorce court. What happened? Same person, same people. What happened?

Jenny Harkleroad:

At first you were consciously trying really hard. Right, you wore the right clothes, you made sure all the dates were perfect, you've spoken poetry. But then a few years went by and you just responded default out of your subconscious program. And so did they. And you're like who is this person that I married? Like you're not who you used to be. No, they're now their subconscious program. And now, you see it, they're no longer trying because they lost their conscious focus. It's focused on work, it's focused on kids, it's focused on responsibilities, not focused on trying to be a good partner. So how you change who you are is by or your program or your habits, or even your personality. Like for me, I used to have the worst temper. I don't know if anyone had a worse temper than me. Seriously, the worst-.

Laura Bashore:

And I felt really bad temper.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Okay, I could never imagine you having a bad temper.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Oh, I was worked on it, okay.

Jenny Harkleroad:

So here's the thing I haven't. This is a true story. You can ask my family, you can ask my friends. I'm pretty sure I haven't been mad in like over five years and before when I would get mad, like my blood would boil mad. Why? Because I programmed my mind. I didn't wanna be that way, I just was that way. And have you ever tried to get un-mad once you're mad? Or have you ever tried to be like okay, next time this happens, I'm not going to get mad. But you have a lot of effort, so much work, and you're overpowering that sub, or you're trying to overpower the subconscious, which is a million times more powerful than your conscious mind scientifically a million times more powerful. You're swimming upstream. Eventually you just go like I can't. This is who I am.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So what are you? And then?

Laura Bashore:

you ask people oh, I'm sorry, I just got to say. Then you ask people to just accept it, which reaffirms what you were thinking right.

Mary Fain Brandt:

And so what I'm hearing you say, jenny, is subconscious mind. Subconscious mind Like you're drilling that into us today, that the subconscious mind is what we need to be working on.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Exactly, and so.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I'm going to ask the question how do we work on that? Then I mean, people are like I'm sure they're going to be listening to this episode and say, okay, jenny says subconscious mind, that's where the change needs to happen. So is that, when you go and work with someone that is an expert in this, like I'm just really curious now, okay, I've got to work on my subconscious mind if I want to make these goals or if I want to make a change, if I want to be this type of person, whatever those big goals are. So how do we go about changing our subconscious mind?

Jenny Harkleroad:

That's a great question. So there's there's three steps. The first one is you decide what you want. What kind of person do you want to be? What type of gold do you want to achieve? How do you want to handle life? You write it in a positive goal statement. It's going to sound like a positive affirmation, but you're not going to say it like a positive affirmation, you're just going to write it like that. That's step one. Step two is to do a brain exercise that rewires the brain to believe in the goal. So I've created 18 different brain exercises to rewire the brain. They've been studied by neuroscientists and they are so effective that our last 600 clients report a 60% improvement after one brain exercise. Do you hear that? That's the power.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I can hear that I'll take 20 to go, please.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Yes, okay, so I believe I don't know if this is my QR code or yours, but there's a free brain exercise download for the guests listening today.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yes, we will drop that actually into the show notes for everyone.

Jenny Harkleroad:

So that's what they need to get a hold of. They need to go to show notes, download that. They'll do the brain exercise. The third step is take action. When you do a brain exercise that builds a new neural pathway in the brain, changes the cellular response, which means changes a subconscious outcome. You have to take some kind of action. So if you have a goal to lose weight and you program your mind to lose weight, you still have to exercise. But here's the thing it's going to be easy to exercise because your subconscious is already like come on, you can do it, you got this. It's pushing you toward it, where before it was probably doing the opposite, and you're like why is it so hard to get to the gym? I don't understand, right? So, yeah, right, so I get already through the brain exercise. Take action. That's how you change who you are, how you are, how you respond automatically.

Laura Bashore:

I love it. I think it's so beneficial, especially because when people fail at the first attempt, a lot of times they'll stop. But what you're saying is that's when you're using your conscious mind of approaching things, so go into your subconscious, rewire it and it's going to work differently. I love that. So what do you think is the biggest obstacle that holds someone back from even attempting to change their mindset? Like, what is the one thing that somebody could do to start working towards that shift?

Jenny Harkleroad:

Yeah, it's their story. We're the narrator of our own life and we have all these stories that we tell and why it's the other person's fault and why the world works this way and why we believe this and why, why, why. So how you change that is you look at your story and say, do I like this story? Do I wanna change this chapter? Do I want to rewrite this book or rewrite this story? So that's the thing your thinking causes how you're feeling and your feeling causes how you're creating. And what causes your thinking is your programming. So it's this big loop. So the first thing is just to listen to what is going on between your ears. What narration are you telling? And then ask yourself do I like this story?

Jenny Harkleroad:

I have something called the 17 second rule, which is that a thought is an electrical signal in the brain. That's it for 17 seconds, but if it goes on for longer than that, it becomes a chemical reaction within the body. So you start to feel the way you think, and when you feel the way you think, it changes your energy field, which changes what you manifest and what you attract in your life. So the moral of the story is you can't have a negative thought for more than 17 seconds without it changing your reality. That's not very long to have a negative thought, right? Sometimes we still on stuff for days, weeks, months, years, right? Well, now you'll get 17 seconds or less, unless you wanna get stuck in that.

Jenny Harkleroad:

I call it going down the rabbit hole. So we have to retrain our brain. I think of our brain like a puppy, right? And if you never train a puppy like peas on the floor and chews on the couch and steals your shoes, and if you never teach it, it's gonna be a big dog doing the same thing. When your brain is like, it works in a certain way. And if you don't like how it's working, you just have to train it. Train it in a new way and you train it right. It's what I shared.

Mary Fain Brandt:

I always say that our brain is our most powerful muscle. It's the strongest muscle we have, but the most underutilized. So all of this just really sounds very fascinating, Jenny, and just that we need to retrain our brains. Laura, I'm sorry I started to cut you off. What did you want to add to that?

Laura Bashore:

No, that's okay, what I was just gonna say is that I really feel like our audience is getting today almost the permission to change the way that their outlook has been. Instead of keeping things fixated, really allow yourself this space and the grace to be able to move through things, and that also means addressing them, and I like that. You mentioned that at the beginning of our episode, jenny, because you can't sweep things under the rug, you can't ignore what's happening. You have to just find a way to say, okay, we're gonna push, not beyond this, but through this. I completely agree with that. You have to fill what's happening so you can move on and make the next best decision for you and what you wanna do moving forward. So just thank you for everything you shared today. I love it. What?

Mary Fain Brandt:

do you think, mary? Well, I think I'm gonna go to the download link and go check it out, jenny, because it just sounds so fascinating and yeah, so that's all I'm gonna say. Everyone, go download the link so that we can retrain our brains, reprogram ourselves and have the life that you want, and not the life that you show on Facebook. Like Jenny was saying, the perfect life. A lot of times that's just the highlight reels, but Laura and I really want you to be happy and that's why we're having different guests on the show. We want you to be the person you were designed to be in life and in your career. So I'll end with that, laura. I'm gonna go to the rapid fire questions, unless you have anything else that you want to add at this time.

Laura Bashore:

Oh no, I'm excited. I think let's go through it. I wanna hear the answers.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Okay, so all of our guests at the end, so our audience can get to know you on a personal level. We call this the rapid fire questions and we just like to have a little fun with our guests. So I'm gonna say two words and you just have to pick one so you don't get to throw a third one in there. So that's where it gets tough for our guests, right, I know, I know Okay. So are you ready? Yes, okay. Beach or mountains, beach Coffee or tea.

Jenny Harkleroad:


Mary Fain Brandt:

Baseball or football, see, always gets tough.

Laura Bashore:

Baseball Okay, I confident baseball.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Okay reading a book or Netflix.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Hmm, Book.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Okay, now that book is it gonna be hard copy or a Kindle Hard?

Jenny Harkleroad:

copy Dogs or cats.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Dogs, waterski or Snowski. Snowski Rock and roll or country.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Rock and roll. Okay, good job, good job. You did not try to add an answer.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Most of our guests are like. Well, neither of those fit. That's the whole point of this right Majority of the audience are yes, I did.

Laura Bashore:

Thank you, Jenny, for participating.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Yeah, and thank you for all the wisdom that you dropped onto our audience. May we all learn how to retrain our brains and use our subconscious and our sub-subconscious. Did I say that right? Superconscious, superconscious. I knew it was like another level down.

Jenny Harkleroad:

Sub-super okay.

Mary Fain Brandt:

So let's everyone go download Jenny's amazing gift that she's giving us so that we can all have the lives that we want and deserve. Thank you so much, Jenny.

Laura Bashore:

We'll see you soon. Thank you, ladies.

Mary Fain Brandt:

If you enjoyed the podcast, show us some love. Please rate, review and subscribe to our podcast, and if you have any feedback, go ahead and share that with us too, because we want to hear from you. And don't forget to visit our website.

Laura Bashore:

You need to find your career journey that can help you take the next step in your career. We'll see you next week with another episode was to help you redefine your career journey.

Mary Fain Brandt:

Until then, stay focused, stay motivated and stay caffeinated.

Career Success Through Mindset Mastery
Understanding Different Types of Mindset
Rewiring Your Brain for Success